Showing posts with label Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Therapy. Show all posts

Thursday 24 November 2016

Primary Care

Address the confronts many challenges, but primary among them is coping with ongoing health care concerns. From the decrease in physicians due to Baby Boomers retiring, to changes in health care legislation and health care reforms, members of Generation X must pay particular attention to health care plans as well as the state of the medical industry. As Baby Boomers retire, the number of doctors inside the country is declining. This is partly due to the population typically, there are 77 million Baby Boomers, compared with 46 million Generation X ers, as well as partly due of the fact that numerous Generation X doctors are choosing to specialize rather than working in a general practice.

Consequently, many states face a scarcity of primary care doctors and general practitioners, that causes delays in treatment while new patients wait around for primary care physicians. Due to this challenge to find a primary care doctor, Generation X members need to plan ahead. Generation X and health care challenges require that Gen X members select a primary care physician promptly upon relocating or changing health care plans, or run the possible danger of being with no physician when sickness strikes. Generation X members need to be quite identifying with health care plans, due to rising health care costs and the possible challenge of finding a health care plan to cover specific services.

As increasingly more providers become accessible, health plans decrease to pay for sets from Lasik eye surgery to optional mental wellness services. Due to this difference between providers accessible and providers covered, Generation X members need to shop cautiously for healthcare plans. Challenges faced in Generation X and health include getting a plan that covers the providers that the Generation X member needs, as well as determining when to compromise and once to keep searching for a health plan that covers specific solutions. Health Care reform is just a watchword for every political party in every selection, as well as Gen X members need to be particularly aware of health care reform as it relates to Generation X as well as health concerns. Universal health is just one possibility that Generation X members face, as well as whether that could be an asset or a tragedy depends upon who you ask. Members worried about Generation X and health must write local and state authorities to discuss legislation around improving access, decreasing cost, and increasing the array of healthcare professionals available for services.

Friday 18 November 2016

Gummy Bear Breast Implants

While you might be aware of more traditional saline along with other liquid filled breast implants, you may not have heard about the most recent innovation in breast enlargement which is more commonly known as Gummy bear breast implants. These special high strength silicone gel systems get their name from the fact that whenever they're cut they resemble the popular gummy bear candies in persistence. These devices are manufactured from a particular very dense, high strength silicone. Gummy bear implants are included of a solidified gel. So there are not any chances of leakage in the case of rupture causing connective tissue disorders.

The gummy bear choices are getting increasingly more popular as the choice for females looking for breast augmentation. The explanation for this is the newer improvements are made to maintain their form better than those that use saline. They're not as likely to change, wrinkle, fold or ripple with time that may otherwise occur with saline implants. Gummy Bear breast implants maintain their form a lot better than saline and therefore remain in a more vertical position with time. Which implies that you’ll see much less sag with time? You will not have to cope with any sloshing sound which sometimes happens with the saline choice.

It is indeed a promising option to the conventional silicone and saline filled improvements, but being cohesive in nature you'll find limited incision options connected with the procedure. The likelihood of frightening are greater with the gummy bear choice, but the long term aftereffects of the implant to preserve and keep breasts erect is worth it. The newer gummy bear kind chest implants feel quite natural to the touch. Where saline implants when overfilled may feel hard, the newer gel models do not need this issue. Ladies that had them installed report which they feel quite natural and are much closer in sense to a natural breast.

The maker of those brand new devices, Slimed, holds an ISO 9001 certification which suggests that they meet business requirements for manufacturing these medical devices. They also have an ideal FDA rating for safety to date. The common consensus between cosmetic surgeons is the new devices are effective and safe for breast augmentation. The new improvements are available in all sizes up to a far cup size of DDD. By working with your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon you may determine the right size for the requirements.

Monday 3 October 2016

Thinking of getting CoolSculpting? Here's what you should know

Cryolipolis or CoolSculpting is a procedure performed by doctors and aestheticians to freeze fat cells at specific targeted areas in your body from where these frozen and dead cells are removed naturally. This is considered to be a better option than liposuction as it is way cheaper and gives good results without any incisions. It also, has no downtime and you can easily revert back to your office or to physical activities. The results of CoolSculpting can be seen after a few weeks and sometimes they may take up to three months.

Despite regular exercise and eating healthy, we all have the 'troubled areas' on our bodies. In fact, a lot of people have pockets of fat stored in certain regions of their body which is genetically determined.

By body contouring the size and appearance of certain parts of your body will reduce permanently. This is achieved by killing all the fat cells that exist in the problem area. Now, if there are no fat cells, they cannot expand and make the body part look bigger and out of proportion. But, it is important to note that body contouring only reduces about 20 to 25 % of fat cells from that portion of your body and around 70% of the cells are left unaffected. The fat cells that have been treated will not grow back but the remaining fat cells may expand and cause you to gain weight if a good diet and exercise regimen is not followed.

Coolsculpting is considered to be better than ultrasound and other heat-based fat reducing treatments as it explodes the targeted fat cells to remove them permanently without causing any bruising and soreness.

The CoolSculpting treatment should not be assumed to be a weight loss treatment. It is aimed at people who live an active and healthy lifestyle and require a treatment aiming at certain parts of their body and not the entire body.

Here are some important things you should know about CoolSculpting.

1.       CoolSculpting cannot be used to improve your skin laxity. If you skin is lose, this treatment will not help it, in fact, removing fat cells may cause more sagging of skin.

2.       It is one hour procedure for one part of your body. In case, of fat cells removal from the arms, it will take two hours targeting each arm separately.

3.       This procedure is not pain-free, as marketed and can be very uncomfortable during the first five to fifteen minutes of the procedure when vacuum grabs on to your fat and skin.

4.       The treated area appears to be like a stick of butter or a piece of salmon underneath your skin, right after the treatment. It gets weirder as this can easily be massaged down.

5.       To achieve a reduction of 20-25% fat from a body part only one treatment is required but if you opt for more, an additional 20-25% fat reduction can be observed each time, from that area of your body.

6.       In a number of cases, the first time of CoolSculpting may not give you visible and desired results and you might need to go for the second round of CoolSculpting to get what you want.

7.       Recovery time may vary between a few days to a few weeks depending on the patient and is accompanied with soreness and a little bit of bruising, tingling and swelling.

8.       The complete results may take up to a few months to show up varying between a few days to four to six months. This again depends on from patient to patient.

It is important to keep following a healthy diet and exercise regime even after the treatment. If you gain weight after undergoing CoolSculpting, the fat cells already present in the area where the procedure was performed may swell up and reduce the visibility of the results.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

All you need to know about post liposuction care

Liposuction is surgically performed by creating incisions in your body to remove stubborn fat localised at one part of your body, that doesn't go with either diet or exercise. Liposuction incisions are minimally invasive but they still require care post operation for complete and healthy recovery. Liposuction is performed by the insertion of a cannula through an incision. It is then moved around to loosen up the fat localised in that area of the body and then it is sucked out with the help of vacuum created in a syringe.

It is important to note that liposuction cannot be substituted to weight loss through diet and exercise and hence, should not be treated as such. For tightening of loose and sagging skin and the removal of cellulite from the body, there are many other procedures that can be performed, as liposuction is not the best option for these issues.

It is absolutely vital for the patient to take measures to care for the incisions made on their body after the procedure because infection and scarring can easily occur and cause undesirable results.

Things required for the post-op liposuction care:

·         Comfortable and loose clothing
·         Dark towels for the absorption of any leaking fluids
·         Pillows are required to rest the area with incisions to rest upon
·         Bottled water
·         Soda crackers to treat nausea if any
·         Pain medication

What to expect during the first 72 hours after the surgery

1.       Body fluids will flow out on clothes and sheets you sit on or sleep on. This is very normal as this liquid is placed in your body before the procedure is performed for the safe removal of fat.

2.       Physical activities must be avoided on account of the danger of opening of the incisions.

3.       Compression garments help with swelling and also make the recovery process faster. These must be worn at all times except while taking a shower and can be discontinued after being instructed by your doctor to do so.

4.       It is important to keep moving in order to reduce swelling, reduce the formation of blood clots and to help keep bodily fluids to continue moving.

5.       As soon as the anaesthesia wears off, there will be some pain. In case it is unbearable, you must go to your physician who will prescribe some painkillers to combat the pain.

6.       Swelling is very normal and in many cases, the swelling stays on for the next few weeks (two to three weeks).

7.       A number of plastic surgeons suggest avoiding showering for five days after the surgery and wearing compression garments. After five days, you can shower without causing abrasion or scrubbing in the area of the incision. Also, going in still water (swimming pool, baths, lakes, oceans, hot tubs etc.) must be avoided.

8.       Also, be alert for any signs of infection. If they come up, you must go directly to your surgeon without any delay.

9.       Even after complete recovery, there will be scars, usually very small in the place where the incision had been made. For the most part, they are not very visible and will fade even more as time passes.

Results after complete recovery:

Cosmetic enhancement is the main reason why most people go for this procedure, despite the risks of complications and pain. A lot of patients report positively after the procedure, having obtained the look they've wanted but in a lot of cases, patients remain unsatisfied. The cosmetic result

1.       Scars at the spot where the cut is made to insert the cannula to carry out the liposuction. They are generally very small and will fade away with time but in some cases, these scars may more prominent.
2.       A wavy or bumpy appearance of the liposuction site after the liposuction procedure.
3.       The results after liposuction are very rarely permanent. In case you gain weight after the liposuction surgery and the removal of fat, it may return back to the sites from where it had been removed.

4.       The results after recovery may not be at par with your expectations which can be disappointing.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Menopause: What To Expect When You Stop Expecting

What is menopause?

More than likely, you’ve already heard of menopause, especially if you are female. Menopause is the 12-month period after the end of your final menstrual period. It is the end of the menstrual cycle. After menopause, a woman can no longer get pregnant.

The process of menopause is completely natural. While no longer fertile, women are still healthy post-menopause. Aging changes everyone’s bodies. Women simply have certain health issues specific to them.

What is perimenopause?

Menopause does not happen all at once, except in cases of hysterectomies. Perimenopause is the period of time winding down the menstrual cycle. This period of time can vary wildly between individuals. In some cases, it may begin 8 to 10 years prior to menopause! In other cases, however, women go through perimenopause in a few months.

The best way to gauge what is normal for you is to talk to your family members. Everyone is an individual but the older women in your family will have a unique insight into what you can expect. Genetics make a difference! Your friends may have helpful tips and tricks but relatives know what experiences your genes may predispose you to experiencing.

During perimenopause, your ovaries will produce less and less estrogen until they finally stop releasing eggs. That is when perimenopause changes into menopause.

What is postmenopause?

After a woman has not experienced her period for a year, she is considered postmenopausal. There are positives and negatives to being postmenopausal. The symptoms suffered during menopause will lessen and a woman can no longer get pregnant, which some consider a relief. However, the lower levels of estrogen can result in some health issues for women. Osteoporosis and heart disease are both more likely for woman who have completed menopause.

What are the symptoms of menopause?

For most women, the major symptoms of menopause are well-known. They include, but are not limited to:

  1. ·         Irregular periods
  2. ·         Night sweats
  3. ·         Hot flashes
  4. ·         Mood change
  5. ·         Weight gain
  6. ·         Slowed metabolism
  7. ·         Thinning hair
  8. ·         Dry skin
  9. ·         Vaginal dryness

Not everyone will experience every symptom. It is similar to menstruation in that, depending on your body, the instance and severity of each symptom will vary. Some women will menstruate every month until perimenopause completes; however, this is rare. It’s far more common for periods to occur sporadically throughout perimenopause. Because of this, it is still possible to get pregnant during perimenopause.

Who experiences menopause?

Everyone who menstruates will eventually go through menopause. While genetics play a large role in determining what is “natural” for your body, the average age for experiencing menopause is 51. If you are under the age of 40 and start going through menopause, this is referred to as premature menopause.

Premature menopause may occur for a number of reasons. The most obvious of which is if a woman has her ovaries removed in a bilateral oophorectomy. The sudden removal of ovaries will result in the immediate loss of the hormones they were producing. Due to the sudden nature of this hormonal change, the symptoms can be severe. It is especially important to keep a doctor up to date on your symptoms if you go through surgical menopause, as opposed to natural menopause.

Premature menopause may also be caused by chromosome defects, autoimmune diseases, and chemotherapy. Women who are receiving radiation treatment for ovarian cancer may stop their periods and experience fertility issues. The damaged caused to the ovaries by chemotherapy or radiation shouldn’t be underestimated so, prior to beginning those treatments, make sure to speak to your oncologist about your women’s health concerns.

Is hormone replacement therapy unhealthy?

Once, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was standard. However, that is no longer the case. Many women have heard that hormone replacement therapy is dangerous for their health. Unfortunately, there is not a simple yes-or-no answer. Every body is different. Not every woman needs hormone replacement therapy. Some research suggests that, if taken early in postmenopause, estrogen can decrease the risk of heart disease.

There are some risks, of course. Estrogen, when not balanced with progesterone or progestrin can cause growth in the lining of the uterus, increasing a woman’s risk of uterine cancer. Other risks include heart disease, stroke, blood clot and breast cancer.

However, women who experience early menopause and do not take hormone replacement therapy are at risk for anxiety, depression, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, parkinsonism, and decreased lifespan.

You should consider hormone replacement therapy if you are healthy and experience moderate to severe menopause symptom or have experienced bone loss.

Do I need a doctor?

While menopause is a natural process, that doesn’t mean it should go unmonitored. As your body changes, you need to make adjustments for your new hormonal reality. Additionally, your healthcare provider can help ease your symptoms to help menopause hit you a little less hard. For some women, menopause isn’t a big deal but, for others, it can be rough. Do not hesitate to ask for help! Places like the Institute for Women’s Health in San Antonio, Texas can help.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment VS Stem Cell Therapy

Patients who need medical help with pain reduction, tissue healing, tissue repair or bone regeneration are increasingly turning to regenerative medicine. The more researchers explore, the more incredible their results seem. News stories mention a diverse range of conditions, from multiple scoliosis to strokes, that inspire hope for the future of regenerative medicine. Right now, the exciting potential for stem cell treatment seems limitless!

Along with the use of stem cells, platelet rich plasma is becoming a viable and more affordable treatment option. Platelet rich plasma therapy has been used for many years in surgical centers worldwide. In the last ten years, doctors have begun injecting platelet rich plasma separate from surgery to aid in the regeneration of tissues.

Medical professionals have known for years that platelets play an important role in healing. These very tiny blood components help form a blood clot during injury. Platelets also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors, which are very important in the healing of injuries. When you injure an area like a ligament or a muscle, they seep into the wound during the bleeding that normally occurs. They then set up a blood clot to stop the bleeding and start to release growth factors to the area to coordinate a repair response.

The body’s first response to soft tissue injury is to deliver platelet cells. Platelets initiate repair and attract the critical assistance of stem cells. PRP therapy’s natural healing process intensifies the body’s efforts by delivering a higher concentration of platelets. Platelet rich plasma treatment involves a small sample of your blood drawn. This is similar to getting a lab test sample. Afterwards, the sample is placed in a centrifuge that spins the blood at high speeds, separating the platelets from the other components. The concentrated platelet rich plasma is then injected into and around the point of injury. This jump-starts and significantly strengthens the body’s natural healing signal.

Because your own blood is used, the concerns associated with finding a matching donor are not applicable to either platelet rich plasma treatments or stem cell therapy. There is no risk of a transmissible infection and a very low risk of allergic reaction.

Platelet rich plasma treatment is generally good for helping damaged tissues that could heal on their own given enough time but need to be sped up, either for comfort or safety. While platelet rich plasma treatment may help recruit a few stem cells to the area, stem cell injection therapy is much more advanced. Stem cells are for tissues that are totally beyond normal repair, rather than assisting in the natural healing process.

Platelet rich plasma treatment is a revolutionary treatment that relieves pain by promoting long lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. This rapidly emerging technique is showing exciting potential with:
  • ·         Shoulder (rotator cuff tendinitis)
  • ·         Wrist/hand (arthritis, cartilage damage)
  • ·         Elbow (tennis elbow)
  • ·         Hip (arthritis)
  • ·         Knee (jumper’s knee)
  • ·         Ankle/foot (arthritis)
  • ·         Neck (whiplash injuries)
  • ·         Back (lower back pain)

If you are a candidate for platelet rich plasma therapy, it is a less invasive option compared to surgery and could provide permanent relief. Platelet rich plasma therapy also offers a lower out-of-pocket cost, lower risk of infection, and shorter recovery period. Platelet rich plasma therapy is an option for patients with moderate osteoarthritis or chronic tendonitis. It cannot recruit enough stem cells to adequately repair an extreme level of injury.

The goal of platelet rich plasma treatment is permanent pain resolution. Initial improvement may be seen within a few weeks, gradually increasing as the healing progresses. Research studies and clinical practice have shown platelet rich plasma therapy to be very effective at relieving pain and returning patients to their normal lives. Many famous athletes, like Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal, have received platelet rich plasma treatment for various problems, such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries. These types of conditions have typically been treated with medications, physical therapy, or even surgery. Some athletes have credited platelet rich plasma treatment with their being able to return more quickly to competition.

Although stem cell treatments are also used to repair injured tissues, the procedures are executed in a different manner. Stem cells are also found in the human body but they play a fundamentally different role in the body’s normal healing process. Stem cells can be converted into any cell that the body needs. The body utilizes stem cells to substitute damaged and/or injured cells. This process allows natural healing and repair of the injured or damaged cells.

As the body gets older the amount of natural reserved stem cells starts to decline. This is why the healing process is slower as the body gets older. Stem cell therapy resolves this shortage by injecting supplementary stem cells into the injured/damaged area of the body. This triggers the cell replacement, natural healing, and pain relief.

Both stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma treatment require trained medical professionals in order for them to be safely and effectively applied to damaged tissue. If you are in the San Antonio area, consider visiting the Stem Cell Orthopedic Institute of Texas for a consultation on how regenerative medicine can help you.