Tuesday 20 February 2018

All You Need to Know About TruSculpt3D

Are you on dieting? Are you exercising every day to reduce fat levels from your specific body parts but still not getting results? If so, then the way your body is producing and releasing calories is unpredictable. Medical science has presented some body sculpting and contouring methods to eradicate the excess deposited fat in certain areas of our body. But, what attracts most is a non-invasive approach. One such approach is TruSculpt 3D. 

What is TruSculpt 3D? 

TruSculpt 3D is an innovative device which performs a non-surgical operation on a particular area of a body by using radiofrequency technology to contour the deposited fat. It uses a multidimensional approach to reduce the circumference of the application site by applying therapeutic temperatures to the subcutaneous adipose tissue. This method aims to leverage highest clinical efficiency in minimum possible time. A study reveals that an average of 24 percent patients has reported a reduction in thickness of fat after undergoing this treatment. 

How Does TruSculpt Method Works? 

Our body maintains a consistent temperature all through the day. Even when we suffer from fever, the body's temperature rises to only a few degrees from normal. When we suffer a burn, the temperature rises rapidly and damages the underlying tissues of the affected area. 

TruScult system works by warming an adipose tissue slightly above the temperature suffered in cases of fever but lower than the temperature suffered in cases of burn. Adipose tissue is responsible for carrying fat in the body, hence, is the target. When these tissues are held under five to 10 degree Celsius above the body's normal temperature, then the adipose cells get disrupted. 

Following this disruption, the body begins disposing of those cells through natural metabolic processes. 

Who is a Right Candidate for TruSculpt? 

Patients with a BMI figure of 30 or less are right candidates for this treatment. However, an initial consultation is mandated to pursue this body sculpting method of fat reduction. 

What is the Duration and Downtime of TruSculpt Procedure? 

It takes around an hour to treat the deposited fat at abdomen and love handles. Usually, there is no downtime to this procedure, and you can resume your routine activities post its application. 

When will be the Results Apparent? 

Since this approach involves natural processes to take place, hence it may take six to eight weeks for the results to become apparent. During this time the damaged cells get flushed out naturally by the body. Once this happens, the circumference of the application site reduces in appearance. 

Trusculpt Body Contouring in San Antonio 

If you are searching for an expert of TruSculpt3D in San Antonio, then the expert professionals of Agave Laser and Aesthetic Clinic are the best choice.

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