Tuesday 20 September 2016

Flu Season Means Urgent Care Season!

Flu season, flu season, flu season! Every year, we are inundated with messages reminding us to be cautious about flu season. It is so easy to get overwhelmed by these messages and start tuning them out. Everyone knows people tend to get sick when the weather gets cold but, in South Texas, we stay happy and warm. That means we don’t have to worry, right?

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Flu season doesn’t match the temperature so, even though San Antonio might miss out on snow, we Texans are at risk for illness. If you are going to protect yourself and your family, you’ll need to know what you’re dealing with this flu season.

What is flu season?

Flu season is the period of time when large numbers of people come down with the flu. Unlike the traditional seasons, it is unpredictable in length since it is based on viruses, rather than weather. It also varies between countries.

Generally speaking, for the United States, flu season goes from October to May. It tends to be in full swing from December to February.

Who should get a flu shot?

Getting a flu vaccine is strongly recommended by the CDC for everyone 6 months or older. However, there are some “high risk” groups who should absolutely get the flu shot. These individuals are the ones who, if not treated, could become the sickest and potentially die from the flu.

1.       Children ages 6 months to 4 years
2.       Anyone over 50 years old
3.       People who are immunosuppressed
·         Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
·         Immunosuppression caused by medication
4.       People with chronic health problems like:
·         Chronic pulmonary disorders
·         Cardiovascular disorders except hypertension
·         Renal disorders
·         Hepatic disorders
·         Neurologic disorders
·         Hematologic disorders
·         Metabolic disorders
5.       Children age 6 to 18 who are on long-term aspirin therapy
6.       Women who are pregnant
7.       Women who may become pregnant during flu season
8.       Seniors in nursing homes
10.   Anyone who is morbidly obese
11.   Healthcare personnel
12.   Caregivers for children under 5 years old
13.   Caregivers for seniors over 50 years old
14.   Caregivers of individuals with medical conditions that put them at risk for severe complications from flu exposure

Getting the vaccine is an annual event. Each year, the viruses are slightly different. Just because you got the previous year’s shot doesn’t mean you are protected this year. Preventing yourself from getting sick this flu season means treating this year as its own brand new process.

Please note that it takes two weeks after getting the shot for the treatment to become effective. Should you encounter anyone suffering from the flu during that time or if you already had the virus inside you prior to the shot, then it will not be effective.

What is the difference between a cold and the flu?

When you aren’t feeling well, it’s unfortunately difficult to tell the difference between a cold and the flu. Here are the major points that you need to keep in mind when assessing your symptoms.

1.       Body aches
·         Cold: Body aches are unusual with a cold, although not impossible.
·         Flu: Almost every case of the flu is accompanied by body aches. These aches can be very severe for some people. This is a good way to identify if what you are experiencing the flu, as opposed to a cold.
2.       Congestion, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing
·         Cold: Almost everyone with a cold ends up with some sort of nasal symptom.
·         Flu: It is not unheard for someone with the flu to have these symptoms. However, it is not a requirement of the flu.
3.       Exhaustion
·         Cold: Someone with a cold may be more tired than usual but it will not be severe.
·         Flu: Someone suffering from the flu will almost always experience extreme exhaustion.
4.       Fever
·         Cold: It is unusual, but not unheard of, for someone with a cold to experience a fever.
·         Flu: The flu almost always causes those infected to suffer a fever.
5.       Headache
·         Cold: Sometimes a cold is accompanied by headache.
·         Flu: Flus are usually accompanied by headaches.
6.       Location of symptoms
·         Cold: If you feel your symptoms above the neck, you likely have a cold.
·         Flu: If you feel your symptoms throughout your entire body, you likely have the flu.
7.       Typical duration
·         Cold: A cold will last about a week.
·         Flu: The flu will last one to three weeks.

Should I visit a doctor?

While you are still healthy and before flu season is in full swing, it is important to make the time for a quick flu shot. It’s easy to let this errand get away from you but, once you are infected with the virus, your options are much more limited. It is easier to prevent the flu from happening than it is to get rid of once it is here.

If you are concerned that you already have the flu, then you need to visit a doctor quickly. There are prescription medications that can decrease the severity of your flu. However, you must begin treatment during the first 48 hours of becoming sick. Waiting longer will mean the medicine has no impact on your symptoms and recovery time, forcing you to simply tough it out through your flu.
Whether you are still healthy or already feeling bad, an urgent care clinic can be your best friend. It’s unlikely that your primary care physician can get you in quickly enough to provide the medication you need when suffering from the flu. Most people with the flu, thankfully, don’t get sick enough to need to visit the emergency room.

Urgent care clinics fill the space between these two options. You can get in quickly for a shot or medication. There are also no shortage of urgent care clinics in San Antonio! Gonzaba Urgent Care, for instance, has three locations across the city.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Menopause: What To Expect When You Stop Expecting

What is menopause?

More than likely, you’ve already heard of menopause, especially if you are female. Menopause is the 12-month period after the end of your final menstrual period. It is the end of the menstrual cycle. After menopause, a woman can no longer get pregnant.

The process of menopause is completely natural. While no longer fertile, women are still healthy post-menopause. Aging changes everyone’s bodies. Women simply have certain health issues specific to them.

What is perimenopause?

Menopause does not happen all at once, except in cases of hysterectomies. Perimenopause is the period of time winding down the menstrual cycle. This period of time can vary wildly between individuals. In some cases, it may begin 8 to 10 years prior to menopause! In other cases, however, women go through perimenopause in a few months.

The best way to gauge what is normal for you is to talk to your family members. Everyone is an individual but the older women in your family will have a unique insight into what you can expect. Genetics make a difference! Your friends may have helpful tips and tricks but relatives know what experiences your genes may predispose you to experiencing.

During perimenopause, your ovaries will produce less and less estrogen until they finally stop releasing eggs. That is when perimenopause changes into menopause.

What is postmenopause?

After a woman has not experienced her period for a year, she is considered postmenopausal. There are positives and negatives to being postmenopausal. The symptoms suffered during menopause will lessen and a woman can no longer get pregnant, which some consider a relief. However, the lower levels of estrogen can result in some health issues for women. Osteoporosis and heart disease are both more likely for woman who have completed menopause.

What are the symptoms of menopause?

For most women, the major symptoms of menopause are well-known. They include, but are not limited to:

  1. ·         Irregular periods
  2. ·         Night sweats
  3. ·         Hot flashes
  4. ·         Mood change
  5. ·         Weight gain
  6. ·         Slowed metabolism
  7. ·         Thinning hair
  8. ·         Dry skin
  9. ·         Vaginal dryness

Not everyone will experience every symptom. It is similar to menstruation in that, depending on your body, the instance and severity of each symptom will vary. Some women will menstruate every month until perimenopause completes; however, this is rare. It’s far more common for periods to occur sporadically throughout perimenopause. Because of this, it is still possible to get pregnant during perimenopause.

Who experiences menopause?

Everyone who menstruates will eventually go through menopause. While genetics play a large role in determining what is “natural” for your body, the average age for experiencing menopause is 51. If you are under the age of 40 and start going through menopause, this is referred to as premature menopause.

Premature menopause may occur for a number of reasons. The most obvious of which is if a woman has her ovaries removed in a bilateral oophorectomy. The sudden removal of ovaries will result in the immediate loss of the hormones they were producing. Due to the sudden nature of this hormonal change, the symptoms can be severe. It is especially important to keep a doctor up to date on your symptoms if you go through surgical menopause, as opposed to natural menopause.

Premature menopause may also be caused by chromosome defects, autoimmune diseases, and chemotherapy. Women who are receiving radiation treatment for ovarian cancer may stop their periods and experience fertility issues. The damaged caused to the ovaries by chemotherapy or radiation shouldn’t be underestimated so, prior to beginning those treatments, make sure to speak to your oncologist about your women’s health concerns.

Is hormone replacement therapy unhealthy?

Once, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was standard. However, that is no longer the case. Many women have heard that hormone replacement therapy is dangerous for their health. Unfortunately, there is not a simple yes-or-no answer. Every body is different. Not every woman needs hormone replacement therapy. Some research suggests that, if taken early in postmenopause, estrogen can decrease the risk of heart disease.

There are some risks, of course. Estrogen, when not balanced with progesterone or progestrin can cause growth in the lining of the uterus, increasing a woman’s risk of uterine cancer. Other risks include heart disease, stroke, blood clot and breast cancer.

However, women who experience early menopause and do not take hormone replacement therapy are at risk for anxiety, depression, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, parkinsonism, and decreased lifespan.

You should consider hormone replacement therapy if you are healthy and experience moderate to severe menopause symptom or have experienced bone loss.

Do I need a doctor?

While menopause is a natural process, that doesn’t mean it should go unmonitored. As your body changes, you need to make adjustments for your new hormonal reality. Additionally, your healthcare provider can help ease your symptoms to help menopause hit you a little less hard. For some women, menopause isn’t a big deal but, for others, it can be rough. Do not hesitate to ask for help! Places like the Institute for Women’s Health in San Antonio, Texas can help.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Tummy Tuck

Are sit-ups not giving you the flat stomach you want? If you've got too much excess skin in your abdomen that is not responding to diet or exercise, you may need to start considering  a tummy tuck, or what doctors call abdominoplasty.

A Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that helps flatten and shape the abdomen and waist by removing excess fat and skin and then tightening the underlying muscles. This procedure it's not the same as liposuction (the cosmetic surgery that is used to remove fat deposits). A tummy tuck is very useful for women who have stretched abdominal skin and muscles as a result of pregnancy. It is also a great option for men and women who were once obese and lost a lot of weight. As a result, they may have excess fat deposits or loose skin around the belly. To be a candidate for the tummy tuck procedure, you should be in good physical condition, following a healthy diet, and exercise regularly.

If you're a somebody who plans to get pregnant, the best thing to do is postpone the tummy tuck until you're done having children. During surgery, your vertical muscles are tightened, and future pregnancies can separate those muscles. If you are planning on losing a lot of weight, a tummy tuck is also not a great solution for you. This procedure should be a last resort after you've tried everything else. It should not be used as an alternative to weight loss.

The recommendation is that you wait until after any planned pregnancies and have reached your goal weight before undergoing tummy tuck surgery. This is because further pregnancies or weight loss can undo the results of your tummy tuck by stretching the skin. Another recommendation is that your BMI (Body Mass Index) should be less than 30 to decrease your risk of complications.

During your initial consultation, you should will your cosmetic goals in detail, so the surgeon can tailor your tummy tuck operation accordingly.

Prior to the surgery if you smoke, you will have to stop for a certain period as determined by your doctor. It is not enough just to cut down on smoking; you must stop completely for at least two weeks before the surgery and for two weeks after the procedure. Smoking can increase the risk of complications and delay healing.

The surgery takes approximately 2 to 3 hours under general anesthesia which will put you to sleep during the whole procedure. It is important to have someone who can drive you home once the operation is over and at least during the first night you will need somebody to stay with you. The surgeon will make an incision from hip to hip, and then cut out all the skin between your belly button and pubis. During your tummy tuck, there will be a separation of the skin from the rectus muscles, and then the surgeon will pull and stitch the muscle together, for a firmer abdomen and a narrower waist. After that the surgeon will stretch the skin flap down and over the newly tightened muscles, cut out the extra skin, and reconnect the belly button. There will usually be a couple drains in place to drain any extra fluid once the procedure is done.

Full recovery from a tummy tuck operation usually takes a period of four to six weeks, although you may be able to return to your daily activities in as little as two weeks.  After the procedure is useful if the patients walk for 10 to 15 minutes every 2 hours after the procedure.

Life after the surgery should be really good. With a good diet and being active by regularly exercising, results from your tummy tuck should be long-lasting. While the full tummy tuck will naturally leave a hip-to-hip scar across the lower abdomen, you can always talk about scar placement and length with the doctor before the surgery.

Post-operative complications from any surgery are possible. This may include infection, blood clots, and poor healing which may require further surgery. You can minimize these risks by choosing an experienced surgeon such as Dr. Koneru in San Antonio, who can handle any complications and will give you the attention you need.

If you have had previous abdominal surgery, your old scars could be moved, stretched, or generally more noticeable after the procedure. However, if your scar is below the belly button, it will probably be removed during the tummy tuck operation.

If what you are looking for is just the removal of skin excess and fat, a mini tummy tuck is a good choice for patients. The mini tummy tuck is similar to the full surgical procedure, except that it uses a shorter incision, usually only about 15 cm in length (which is similar to a C-section scar). With this short scar, much less skin can be removed, and the skin is only lifted to the belly button. The mini tummy tuck usually doesn’t remove many stretch marks and can’t correct muscles that have become separated above the belly button. 

Thursday 25 August 2016

The Established Benefits of Stem Cell Transplants

The human body is made of billions of specialized cells that form specific parts of the body like muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and bones. Each day, as older cells die, new cells are born from stem cells, which possess the unique capability to create multiple types of other cells. However, when tissues are injured the structures become weaker, resulting in pain and decreased function. One of the ways to help your body to regenerate these cells and stop the pain is through a stem cell transplant.

The stem cell transplants treat joint pain, joint and tendon degeneration, and soft tissue injury. Stem cells are a unique type of cell in the body that can expand in number (self-renewal) without becoming a tissue cell. In addition to that, they can also differentiate into various cells found in mature tissue, like cartilage or tendons. Stem cells are vital to maintaining tissues in the body. Otherwise, our bodies would wear down with every step, until we fell apart.

Although many people may think of a transplant as a way of replacing a diseased organ with another one, cells can also be transplanted. Stem cells have an important, often lifesaving use for treating disease. A stem cell transplant doesn't involve surgery in the same sense as an organ transplant would. The injections are significantly less invasive and the procedure is simple by comparison. Its benefit, however, can be enormous.

Through regenerative medicine, a person can take advantage of their body’s ability to heal itself by using their own adult stem cells, which are found throughout the body. The stem cell transplant is a procedure that is commonly used on the hips, knee, shoulder, elbow, the back and spine.

The procedure consists of extracting healthy stem cells from your bone marrow and injecting them into your body to replace damaged cells. To extract the cells from the bone marrow, patients lay face down as the doctor thoroughly cleans the area before numbing the skin and bone. Later on, a special needle is inserted into the bone to withdraw marrow blood, which contains the stem cells. This procedure is not like a bone marrow biopsy. This harvesting procedure is well tolerated by patients and many feel it is not painful. Once the stem cells are injected back into the body, the healthy replacement stem cells will integrate and give rise to more cells that can all take on the necessary functions for a specific tissue.

One of the advantages of adult stem cell transplants over other types of transplants is that the patient functions as his or her own donor. There is no need to find another matching donor, which eliminates the risk of incompatibility and helps avoid long waiting lists. Autologous transplants, when cells taken from a patient and returned to that patient, are relatively safe procedures. There are low rates of complications and infections compared with allogeneic transplants, where cells are taken from a donor and often are manipulated before they are given to a patient. In many instances, much of the procedure can be done on an outpatient basis and the mortality rate is only 2% to 3%.

If you pay attention to the news, stem cell therapy may seem like magic. However, there are very established, approved medical procedures that are commercially available today. One of the most common injuries treated with stem cell therapy is regenerating cartilage in the knees and the shoulders. Knee pain is a common problem that can originate in any of the bony structures.  Damage to the knee joint or the ligaments and cartilage is not unusual as we age.

These non-surgical stem cell injection procedures happen within a single day and may offer a viable alternative to those who are facing surgical treatments, like joint replacement. Patients are typically able to walk away from the procedure, recovering in an outpatient setting. This simplicity of the stem cell injections allows patients to avoid the lengthy rehabilitation periods that are typically required to help restore strength, mobility and range-of-motion following invasive joint surgeries. Lastly, patients are far less vulnerable to the risks of surgeries, such as infection and blood clots. While any medical treatment involving injections has possible complications, the risks are significantly less when compared to more invasive options provided to patients with serious joint damage.

Frozen shoulder is another disease that is very common. It is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint. Nobody knows for sure what causes it, yet it can turn a fully functional shoulder into one that can’t move at all in a matter of months. Today, the alternative for surgery is the stem cell transplant. Patients easily recover and are able to return to their regular activities in a much shorter time than they would with regular surgery.

If you have a condition that you want treated with stem cell therapy, it is incredibly important to ensure you see qualified medical professionals. Patients in the San Antonio, Texas area should consider the Stem Cell Orthopedic Institute of Texas. Their qualified professionals can perform your injections precisely and cleanly.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment VS Stem Cell Therapy

Patients who need medical help with pain reduction, tissue healing, tissue repair or bone regeneration are increasingly turning to regenerative medicine. The more researchers explore, the more incredible their results seem. News stories mention a diverse range of conditions, from multiple scoliosis to strokes, that inspire hope for the future of regenerative medicine. Right now, the exciting potential for stem cell treatment seems limitless!

Along with the use of stem cells, platelet rich plasma is becoming a viable and more affordable treatment option. Platelet rich plasma therapy has been used for many years in surgical centers worldwide. In the last ten years, doctors have begun injecting platelet rich plasma separate from surgery to aid in the regeneration of tissues.

Medical professionals have known for years that platelets play an important role in healing. These very tiny blood components help form a blood clot during injury. Platelets also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors, which are very important in the healing of injuries. When you injure an area like a ligament or a muscle, they seep into the wound during the bleeding that normally occurs. They then set up a blood clot to stop the bleeding and start to release growth factors to the area to coordinate a repair response.

The body’s first response to soft tissue injury is to deliver platelet cells. Platelets initiate repair and attract the critical assistance of stem cells. PRP therapy’s natural healing process intensifies the body’s efforts by delivering a higher concentration of platelets. Platelet rich plasma treatment involves a small sample of your blood drawn. This is similar to getting a lab test sample. Afterwards, the sample is placed in a centrifuge that spins the blood at high speeds, separating the platelets from the other components. The concentrated platelet rich plasma is then injected into and around the point of injury. This jump-starts and significantly strengthens the body’s natural healing signal.

Because your own blood is used, the concerns associated with finding a matching donor are not applicable to either platelet rich plasma treatments or stem cell therapy. There is no risk of a transmissible infection and a very low risk of allergic reaction.

Platelet rich plasma treatment is generally good for helping damaged tissues that could heal on their own given enough time but need to be sped up, either for comfort or safety. While platelet rich plasma treatment may help recruit a few stem cells to the area, stem cell injection therapy is much more advanced. Stem cells are for tissues that are totally beyond normal repair, rather than assisting in the natural healing process.

Platelet rich plasma treatment is a revolutionary treatment that relieves pain by promoting long lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. This rapidly emerging technique is showing exciting potential with:
  • ·         Shoulder (rotator cuff tendinitis)
  • ·         Wrist/hand (arthritis, cartilage damage)
  • ·         Elbow (tennis elbow)
  • ·         Hip (arthritis)
  • ·         Knee (jumper’s knee)
  • ·         Ankle/foot (arthritis)
  • ·         Neck (whiplash injuries)
  • ·         Back (lower back pain)

If you are a candidate for platelet rich plasma therapy, it is a less invasive option compared to surgery and could provide permanent relief. Platelet rich plasma therapy also offers a lower out-of-pocket cost, lower risk of infection, and shorter recovery period. Platelet rich plasma therapy is an option for patients with moderate osteoarthritis or chronic tendonitis. It cannot recruit enough stem cells to adequately repair an extreme level of injury.

The goal of platelet rich plasma treatment is permanent pain resolution. Initial improvement may be seen within a few weeks, gradually increasing as the healing progresses. Research studies and clinical practice have shown platelet rich plasma therapy to be very effective at relieving pain and returning patients to their normal lives. Many famous athletes, like Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal, have received platelet rich plasma treatment for various problems, such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries. These types of conditions have typically been treated with medications, physical therapy, or even surgery. Some athletes have credited platelet rich plasma treatment with their being able to return more quickly to competition.

Although stem cell treatments are also used to repair injured tissues, the procedures are executed in a different manner. Stem cells are also found in the human body but they play a fundamentally different role in the body’s normal healing process. Stem cells can be converted into any cell that the body needs. The body utilizes stem cells to substitute damaged and/or injured cells. This process allows natural healing and repair of the injured or damaged cells.

As the body gets older the amount of natural reserved stem cells starts to decline. This is why the healing process is slower as the body gets older. Stem cell therapy resolves this shortage by injecting supplementary stem cells into the injured/damaged area of the body. This triggers the cell replacement, natural healing, and pain relief.

Both stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma treatment require trained medical professionals in order for them to be safely and effectively applied to damaged tissue. If you are in the San Antonio area, consider visiting the Stem Cell Orthopedic Institute of Texas for a consultation on how regenerative medicine can help you.