Sunday 17 June 2018

Before and After-Care Tips for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the basic methods to get rid of all the unwanted hair on your body. A lot of people opt for it. But there’s a catch. In a hurry to get the best results, they miss some crucial steps, especially when it comes to the before and after-care tips. This can lead to several side-effects for them, irrespective of where they get the treatment done from.

That said, being experts in laser hair removal in San Antonio, we at Agave Laser Clinic always make sure that our clients get the finest services without any hiccups. Here’s our take on some of the best before and after-care tips when you opt for this method:

Things to Do Before

·         Avoid waxing and plucking your hair up to 4 weeks before the appointment.
·         It’s necessary that you need to shave 12 hours prior the treatment. This will remove the extra growth amount and also avoid your hair being burnt at the time of treatment. Don’t use any other method of hair removal.
·         Ditch tight-fitting clothes and switch to loose, and preferably cotton clothes. You can bring an extra pair of clothes to change into for the treatment. This will help you comfortably expose the skin to the treatment and give you comfort and relieve you of any irritation post the session.
·         Cleanse your skin of any cosmetics or chemical-laced beauty and skincare products.

Things to Do After

·         No matter what happens, never touch the skin in the treatment area. The area may become red and swollen post the treatment, but when you scratch it, it can cause a scab. This, in turn, can result in scarring.
·         Avoid venturing out in direct sunlight. Even if you do, go for a sunscreen with SPF of 50+ to all the uncovered areas and wear hats and scarves for further protection. Fake tans and solariums are a complete NO.
·         Natural, organic Aloe Vera offers a soothing effect. Apply it all over the treatment area and nowhere else. You can also consult your physician to know what other topical treatment you may opt for.
·         At all costs, avoid visiting your gym, steam room or sauna, Jacuzzi and Swimming pools.
·         Make sure that when you’re showering or bathing, the temperature of water needs to be lukewarm or tepid.
·         Do not exfoliate the treated skin.
·         Try and not apply any makeup when you’ve opted for facial laser hair removal treatments. However, you may opt for mineral makeup. But ideally, you need to give your skin ample time to heal first.
·         Do not carry out any strenuous activities or exercises.

These are just some of the basic precautions that you need to take before and after your laser hair removal sessions. But once you’ve scheduled an appointment with us, you can be assured that we will guide you from the first visit to the last lesion. For any queries that you may still have regarding laser hair removal treatment from our doorstep, we’re just a call away!

Friday 15 June 2018

5 Diet Tips to Keep Fatty Liver Disease in Check

The human body stores fat in several parts of the body. This is used to offer energy and insulation. That said, it is difficult to believe that the liver is also made up of fat or it is a possibility that the excess fat can get stored in the liver too, leading to fatty liver disease in the long run.
This disease can occur due to several reasons, including pregnancy. It damages the liver by preventing it from doing the basic function – removing toxins and producing bile. This, in turn, leads to a host of other problems in the body. 

While there are several places from where you can opt for the treatment of fatty liver disease in San Antonio, including a healthy diet plan can also keep a check on it. Let us look at some effective tips to get a better idea:

1.       Don’t Ditch Your Cup of Joe – Several studies talk about the advantages of coffee drinkers over non-coffee drinkers. This is because caffeine appears to lower the abnormal liver enzymes of people who are at an increased risk for developing liver diseases.

2.       Include Greens – Everyone was pushed by their mothers at some point in their childhood to eat their greens. It is the same thing that will come to your rescue when you want to prevent fat from building up in the liver. Hence, do include lots of green vegetables in your diet including broccoli, spinach and the likes.

3.       Increase Intake of Lean Meat -  Lean meat, especially fish such as Sardines, Tuna, Trout and Salmon are useful for bringing down the liver fat levels. They are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids and are highly recommended for a healthy diet. Even walnuts and olive oil include high levels of these fatty acids and help improve liver function.

4.       Switch to Low-Fat Dairy – Low fat dairy is a source of whey protein. This helps protect the liver from getting damaged further. Skimmed milk, buttermilk, curd are some of the products that you can switch to and yet get your daily dose of calcium without harming the liver in the long run.

5.       Drink Green Tea – The whole world is going gaga over green tea. It is rich in antioxidants and keeps your health in check. Hence, it makes sense that even when it may not directly aid in helping the liver, it can lower the cholesterol levels and helps you control your weight.


These are some of the ways you can curb fatty liver disease to an extent. But for a full-fledged treatment plan, don’t forget to consult the nearest health specialist who can guide you in the best way possible. After all, no one should risk their health!

Sunday 13 May 2018

All You Need to Know About Wet Wipes

What are Wet Wipes?

Wet wipes are small pre-moistened towelettes made of paper or fabric that often come individually wrapped and folded. You can use a wet wipe on your face and body, to remove makeup, to clean and disinfect surfaces. There are variants of wipes like antibacterial wipes, individually wrapped wipes, deodorant and antiperspirant wet wipes available in the market. These wipes can be a tissue, paper or nonwoven. One of the main benefits of using wipes is the convenience these provide. It is quicker and easier to use these small towelettes and is the best alternative to dispensing a liquid and then using a piece of cloth/paper to clean or remove the liquid.

Is it safe to use wet wipes on your face?

It is safe to use wipes on face provided it has been formulated with right ingredients. You may fail to remove your make up thoroughly if you are using a wipe that has been formulated to clean a computer screen. If you use wrong wipes on your face, then you are risking irritation to your eyes and skin. It is advised not to use antibacterial wipes or wipes that contain alcohol on your face. Consider the purpose of using wipes and check the ingredients on its packet before you buy one.

What are the different types of wipes?

·         Makeup Remover Wipes- These wipes have been formulated to be used specifically on the face. Makeup remover wipes are the best material to clean powder, foundation, eye makeup, lipstick and blush from your face. A guideline to use these wipes is to gently use them on the skin to melt off the makeup. For thorough makeup removal, you may need to use more than one wipes.

·         Baby Wet Wipes- Mothers of newborn necessarily does keep baby wipes with them because it's an all-rounder material for cleanliness. Baby wipes are antibacterial and are the best alternative when you don't have access to water and soap.

·         Tooth or Dental Wipes- These wipes have been formulated specifically to remove stains from lips and teeth and freshen breath. These are considered great to use after drinking red wine or coffee.

If you want to buy quality wet wipes online in Dubai, then order your parcel from Cool & Cool. It is a leading international FMCG brand and has a presence in more than 25 countries across the globe.

Maintaining Hygiene with Hand Sanitizers

Keeping hands clean, washing them properly before and after meals, etc. are a few wide known facts which we start learning since our childhood. The more your hands serve you, the more they contain germs which eventually get passed to your eyes, mouth, nose, and other parts of your body. As a part of hygiene, you must be washing your hands multiple times a day with soap and warm water; however hands sanitizer is another worthy alternative. The following are the major benefits of using hand sanitizer:

·         Cleanliness- This benefit shouldn't be a surprise because attaining cleanliness is the primary reason why you should use sanitizer. Experts suggest that hand sanitizers possess the capability of killing 99.9% of germs from hands when used properly. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends that you should always wash your hands whenever you are around animals, garbage, and food. You can use hand sanitizer in all these situations.

·         Portability- Sometimes you may not have water and soap at easy convenience, but you may have the urgency of washing hands. In those situations, hand sanitizer proves to be a rescue element. You can easily slip its small bottle in your pocket, purse or glove compartment.

·         Less Risk for Diseases- You should stay preventive of the contagious diseases and especially during the flu season. It is crucial to minimize exposure to germs and taking a moment to sanitize your hands will do the job. Several studies have proved that the families who use hand sanitizers on a regular basis are at lower risk of suffering gastrointestinal (stomach) and respiratory infection.

·         Softer Feeling Hands- Experts suggest that the use of hand sanitizers that are manufactured sans alcohol improve the texture of the skin on the hands. Some of them also contain emollients that give smoother hands and soften the skin. After using sanitizer, you'll notice the difference in your skin looks. It is important to note that, avoid the use of sanitizers that contain alcohol because they wash away natural oils from the skin and can cause cracks in the skin. Once you get cracks in the skin, it becomes an entry point for bacteria to enter.

Are you looking for a branded hand sanitizer which is trustworthy? If so, then buy Cool & Cool's hand sanitizer. It is non-sticky and anti-bacterial. It also contains Vitamin D beats. They have different variants, and you can choose one for you as per your choice.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Chiropractic Care- A Solution to Natural Healing

Do you frequently face problems like a headache, backache or joint pain? If so, then medical science has a drug free solution to these problems- chiropractic care. According to statistics, millions of people across the world have gained tremendous benefits from chiropractic adjustments. It is a holistic and non-invasive approach to heal the body naturally. Chiropractic care is sky rocketing in popularity because of numerous benefits it leverages.

·         Relieves Stress- Chiropractic adjustments pose a great relief to mental and physical stress. 

·         Boosts Immunity- A healthy immune system is capable of fighting off bacteria and viruses without posing the need of antibiotics. In humans since the nervous system controls the functions of cells, tissues, and organs, it is vital to keeping up the ability of the immune system. Experts suggest that chiropractic care realigns the spine and boosts the ability of the immune system in fighting the intruders. Studies prove that candidates who practice chiropractic adjustments suffer less cold than the ones who not practice it.

·         Improves Digestion- The spinal nerves are also responsible for controlling the stomach functions. Problems like heartburn, acid reflux or gas occur when the underlying nerves start signaling more acid production. Chiropractic adjustments help the thoracic spinal nerves to function normally, thus eliminating the stomach problems.

·         Boosts Energy- Chiropractic adjustments reduce tension in the spine and free the nerves to work efficiently. These adjustments drain the pressure occurring in the nerves and create a room for energy.

·         Lowers Blood Pressure- According to a study released by WebMD, the benefits leveraged by making chiropractic adjustments in the upper neck are equivalent to a taking double dose of medications for blood pressure. This adjustment is known as the "Atlas adjustment" and is a specific manipulation for blood pressure.

·         Breathe Better- Lungs in the human body are like any other organs that rely on nervous functions. If there is any misalignment in the mid-cervical and thoracic regions of the spine, then it causes breathing problems like asthma. Chiropractic care is considered as beneficial in correcting subluxations and improves the ability to breathe properly.

·         Assists in Healthy Pregnancy- chiropractic adjustments help ligaments in the pelvic area to loosen to have a healthy child birth. During pregnancy, the mother's body undergoes significant changes, and a few sessions of body adjustments can make to fall everything into place.

Chiropractic Care in San Antonio

If you want to practice chiropractic care under expert's supervision, then connect with the experts of Gonzaba Medical Group. They are committed to providing quality healthcare.