Monday, 3 October 2016

Thinking of getting CoolSculpting? Here's what you should know

Cryolipolis or CoolSculpting is a procedure performed by doctors and aestheticians to freeze fat cells at specific targeted areas in your body from where these frozen and dead cells are removed naturally. This is considered to be a better option than liposuction as it is way cheaper and gives good results without any incisions. It also, has no downtime and you can easily revert back to your office or to physical activities. The results of CoolSculpting can be seen after a few weeks and sometimes they may take up to three months.

Despite regular exercise and eating healthy, we all have the 'troubled areas' on our bodies. In fact, a lot of people have pockets of fat stored in certain regions of their body which is genetically determined.

By body contouring the size and appearance of certain parts of your body will reduce permanently. This is achieved by killing all the fat cells that exist in the problem area. Now, if there are no fat cells, they cannot expand and make the body part look bigger and out of proportion. But, it is important to note that body contouring only reduces about 20 to 25 % of fat cells from that portion of your body and around 70% of the cells are left unaffected. The fat cells that have been treated will not grow back but the remaining fat cells may expand and cause you to gain weight if a good diet and exercise regimen is not followed.

Coolsculpting is considered to be better than ultrasound and other heat-based fat reducing treatments as it explodes the targeted fat cells to remove them permanently without causing any bruising and soreness.

The CoolSculpting treatment should not be assumed to be a weight loss treatment. It is aimed at people who live an active and healthy lifestyle and require a treatment aiming at certain parts of their body and not the entire body.

Here are some important things you should know about CoolSculpting.

1.       CoolSculpting cannot be used to improve your skin laxity. If you skin is lose, this treatment will not help it, in fact, removing fat cells may cause more sagging of skin.

2.       It is one hour procedure for one part of your body. In case, of fat cells removal from the arms, it will take two hours targeting each arm separately.

3.       This procedure is not pain-free, as marketed and can be very uncomfortable during the first five to fifteen minutes of the procedure when vacuum grabs on to your fat and skin.

4.       The treated area appears to be like a stick of butter or a piece of salmon underneath your skin, right after the treatment. It gets weirder as this can easily be massaged down.

5.       To achieve a reduction of 20-25% fat from a body part only one treatment is required but if you opt for more, an additional 20-25% fat reduction can be observed each time, from that area of your body.

6.       In a number of cases, the first time of CoolSculpting may not give you visible and desired results and you might need to go for the second round of CoolSculpting to get what you want.

7.       Recovery time may vary between a few days to a few weeks depending on the patient and is accompanied with soreness and a little bit of bruising, tingling and swelling.

8.       The complete results may take up to a few months to show up varying between a few days to four to six months. This again depends on from patient to patient.

It is important to keep following a healthy diet and exercise regime even after the treatment. If you gain weight after undergoing CoolSculpting, the fat cells already present in the area where the procedure was performed may swell up and reduce the visibility of the results.


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