Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 August 2018


What do you do when your bad day culminates into a migraine? It is understood that the frequent stress of the work deadlines, the irregular sleep and meal schedules, and the family and social responsibilities take a toll on you and irk your migraine. During such times, even a heavy dose of tablets or a visit to the doctor seems unfeasible and ineffective. So, then what do you do to feel better?
Well, have no worries because this list has got you covered! here is a rundown of 4 simple home remedies to heal your migraine –

1.      Lavender oil

Yes, you are reading it right. Lavender oil to the rescue! Lavender oil is a great remedy for healing headaches.
Lavender oil has a beautiful fragrance and a soothing scent. Having said that, when a migraine strikes, you can simply put a few drops on a tissue or a hanky and inhale the same. Along with this, it also helps if you add two drops of lavender oil to boiling water and inhale the steam or bather in it. It is a good practice to apply diluted oil to the temples to experience a faster relief.

2.      Cool it down

Has your ideal cup of coffee failed at its job of reducing your headache? Well, it is time you take a chill pill and cool down yourself.
The physicians who perform the migraine treatment in San Antonio and elsewhere are of the belief that ice pack is one of the most common remedies for migraine pain. Ice gives a soothing effect on the inflamed arteries and numbs the effect of the pain. However, make sure that you do not apply the ice directly on your forehead or temples. It is advised that you wrap the ice cubes in a clean cloth and then apply the same over your head for about 5-10 minutes.

3.      Deep breathing and Yoga

Are you in extreme pain and cannot really think of doing something? Think no further. Lie down, relax, and practice heavy breathing!
Regular meditation and yoga help keep your migraine at bay. It is believed to relieve the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraines. As a matter of fact, performing any exercise will help release serotonin and help combat the stress and the pain. All things considered, Yoga and deep breathing will improve your overall health.

4.      Try Acupressure 

Just like yoga, acupressure helps too! Help ease your migraine by applying pressure to the specific points on the body.
Acupressure refers to the process of applying pressure using fingers and hands to relieve pain and other symptoms. It is believed to be a credible therapy for people with severe headaches or migraines. Additionally, it also relieves a migraine-associated nausea. Make sure to consult your physician and know about the vital acupressure points to be activated and you are good to go!

These at-home treatments may help prevent migraines or at least help reduce their severity and duration.


A pounding headache caused by a migraine can be a thing to worry about. These simple tips will do you good and zap the pain from your stressful headache!

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

4 Aftercare Tips When You’ve Had a Facelift Procedure

No one can stop the natural aging process. It will be caused eventually, by gravity, sun exposure and stress among other factors. However, there are surgical procedures such as facelift, which can help remove the excess skin and fat and then, tighten the muscles underneath and working on the skin of your neck and face. This leads to a youthful appearance. But it doesn’t just end there. Post the surgery, you need to take some extra precautions and follow certain aftercare routine to maintain the effects for long-term. Let’s look at some tips which you need to follow for this:

1.       Keep Your Head Elevated - There will some initial swelling and bruising. But when you keep your head at an elevated level, you can be assured that the swelling will be minimalized, and you’ll soon be on the road to recovery. If you don’t follow this simple step, chances are that it can lead to some alterations in the facial symmetry. 

2.       Don’t Touch That Bandage – Post the surgery for facelift San Antonio Tx or elsewhere, your face and the rest of the head will be wrapped in a bandage. This wrap will feel too tight for comfort. But come what may, do not touch it or make it loose because it is meant to provide even pressure to all the areas with bruising and swelling. The surgeon will be the one to remove the bandage, usually a day after the surgery.

3.       Shower and Shampoo Post Dressing Removal – Never take shower or shampoo your hair before the dressings are completely removed. Let the tightness, numbness and other such sensations subside and get the dressing removed before going for a full-fledged bath/shower. 

4.       Keep a Check on Infection – Once the surgery is done and the dressing is removed, do keep a track of any possible signs of infection. These can include but are not limited to redness, acute swelling, tightness, excruciating pain, rashes and so on and so forth. Sometimes, if you see a rise in the body temperature, then it can also indicate infection. 


Modern facelift surgeries are safe and done with minimally invasive procedures. However, when it concerns delicate areas of the body, you wouldn’t want to risk anything and like to recover and heal as soon as possible. Do keep these tips in mind when you opt for facelift in San Antonio the next time. Here’s to a speedy recovery and getting that youthful look restored. Cheers!

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Before and After-Care Tips for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the basic methods to get rid of all the unwanted hair on your body. A lot of people opt for it. But there’s a catch. In a hurry to get the best results, they miss some crucial steps, especially when it comes to the before and after-care tips. This can lead to several side-effects for them, irrespective of where they get the treatment done from.

That said, being experts in laser hair removal in San Antonio, we at Agave Laser Clinic always make sure that our clients get the finest services without any hiccups. Here’s our take on some of the best before and after-care tips when you opt for this method:

Things to Do Before

·         Avoid waxing and plucking your hair up to 4 weeks before the appointment.
·         It’s necessary that you need to shave 12 hours prior the treatment. This will remove the extra growth amount and also avoid your hair being burnt at the time of treatment. Don’t use any other method of hair removal.
·         Ditch tight-fitting clothes and switch to loose, and preferably cotton clothes. You can bring an extra pair of clothes to change into for the treatment. This will help you comfortably expose the skin to the treatment and give you comfort and relieve you of any irritation post the session.
·         Cleanse your skin of any cosmetics or chemical-laced beauty and skincare products.

Things to Do After

·         No matter what happens, never touch the skin in the treatment area. The area may become red and swollen post the treatment, but when you scratch it, it can cause a scab. This, in turn, can result in scarring.
·         Avoid venturing out in direct sunlight. Even if you do, go for a sunscreen with SPF of 50+ to all the uncovered areas and wear hats and scarves for further protection. Fake tans and solariums are a complete NO.
·         Natural, organic Aloe Vera offers a soothing effect. Apply it all over the treatment area and nowhere else. You can also consult your physician to know what other topical treatment you may opt for.
·         At all costs, avoid visiting your gym, steam room or sauna, Jacuzzi and Swimming pools.
·         Make sure that when you’re showering or bathing, the temperature of water needs to be lukewarm or tepid.
·         Do not exfoliate the treated skin.
·         Try and not apply any makeup when you’ve opted for facial laser hair removal treatments. However, you may opt for mineral makeup. But ideally, you need to give your skin ample time to heal first.
·         Do not carry out any strenuous activities or exercises.

These are just some of the basic precautions that you need to take before and after your laser hair removal sessions. But once you’ve scheduled an appointment with us, you can be assured that we will guide you from the first visit to the last lesion. For any queries that you may still have regarding laser hair removal treatment from our doorstep, we’re just a call away!