Osteoarthritis is
the most common type of arthritis in the United State and other parts of the
world. It is a condition that causes joints to become painful and stiff by
causing difficulty to do daily activities. It commonly occurs when a protective
layer of cartilage on the ends of bones wears down eventually.
Although, osteoarthritis can damage any joint bone in your body, but the disorder is most common in your hands, hips, knees and spine. However, osteoarthritis symptoms can be managed effectively by following a healthy lifestyle, staying active, and following the recommended treatment can help you improve pain and joint function.
At some instances, these symptoms may come and go, which can be related to things such as your daily activity level and even weather conditions. In some serious conditions, these symptoms can be continuous and unbearable. You should see your primary care physician if you have persistent symptoms of osteoarthritis, so that they can verify, diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Here are some commonly noticed symptoms of osteoarthritis;
increased pain and stiffness when no moment for
a while
joint tenderness
swelling - joints appearing slightly larger than
constant grating or crackling sound or sensation
in your joints during slightest moment
prolonged pain and limited range of movement due
joints pain
weakness and loss of muscle bulk
Osteoarthritis of the hip
Osteoarthritis in
your hip joints often
causes difficulty in doing activities such as putting on or removing your shoes
or get in & out of a car or bed, etc. At times, it may even cause stiffness
hips when you’re
sitting or standing for a long period of time.
Patients with
osteoarthritis in the hip often find it difficult to walk due to the stabbing
pains. The condition usually develops slowly over the course of many years.
The following are the symptoms of hip
Joint stiffness that occurs as you are getting
out of bed
A sound or feeling ("crunching") of
bone rubbing against bone
Pain, swelling, or tenderness in the hip joint
Joint inflexibility after you sit for a long
Inability to move the hip to carry out daily
routine activities
Osteoarthritis of the knee
While ageing is
among the top factors causing osteoarthritis of the knee, however young people
can get it too. In some cases, it may be hereditary, for others it may be due
to some injury or infection or due to excessive weight. This pain can become
chronic while walking or using stairs.
Common symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee are:
Common symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee are:
Pain and stiffness in knee joints
Creaking, crunching, & grinding sensation
when you move the joint
Hard or Soft swellings
Knee muscles become weak or the joint structure
is less stable
Knee movement is not normal or as it would be
Knees becoming bent and bowed
Muscles around your knee joint look thin or
Osteoarthritis of the hand
Symptoms of
Osteoarthritis of the hands may differ from person to person. Many a times it
depends upon a specific joint affected. It can be painful and difficult to
perform certain manual tasks, such as writing, opening jars or turning keys.
Common symptoms of osteoarthritis of the
hand are,
Joints pain and stiffness
the base of your thumb
the joints closest to your fingertips
the middle joints of your fingers
grinding, grating feeling or a crunchy sound
when joints move
Fingers become stiff, painful- and swollen
Development of bumps on your finger
Your fingers may bend sideways slightly at your affected
Development of painful cysts (fluid-filled
lumps) on the backs of your fingers
A bump at the base of your thumb where it joins
your wrist