Thursday, 19 April 2018

Strep Throat- Symptoms, Causes and Complications

Medically, strep throat is a bacterial infection which causes pain and inflammation in the patient’s throat. It is a contagious disease and should be given prompt care to prevent its complications. 

What Are The Causes of a Strep Throat?

The primary cause of strep throat is a bacteria- Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus. This bacteria is highly contagious. It can get passed on to you through airborne droplets when someone who is already suffering from the infection sneezes or you share food/drinks with them. These bacteria can also get transferred when you touch some surface and then use the hand on your face or mouth. 

What are the Symptoms of Strep Throat?

    Painful swallowing
    A headache
    Body ache
    Throat pain
    Red and swollen tonsils. In some cases with white patches or streaks of pus)
    Swollen, tender lymph nodes in your neck
    Nausea or vomiting, especially in younger children
    Tiny red spots on the area at the back of the roof of the mouth

Who Is Likely to Suffer from Strep Throat?

Young children and adolescents are likely to suffer this disease. Sometimes toddlers and adults also get affected by this illness. People suffer strep throat usually during the winter season. Experts suggest that not everyone experiences same symptoms to strep throat and it varies from person to person and age to age.

What are the Complications of Strep Throat?

If you start the treatment within one week of its symptoms, then you can overcome the disease. Else, if left untreated or if treated after a long period of suffering, then it can lead to severe complications which include:

    Peritonsillar abscess- it is a pus-filled infection which develops in the back of the tonsils.
    Ear infection.
    Guttate psoriasis- it is a condition that causes small, red teardrop-shaped spots on the                body.
    Rheumatic fever- it is an inflammatory disease that affects the heart, joints, and the skin.
    Mastoiditis- it is an infection of the mastoid bone in the skull.
    Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis- it is inflammation of the kidneys.
    Scarlet fever- it occurs when toxins created by the strep infection cause a rash (scarlet-colored) to develop on different body parts.

Strep Throat Urgent Care

If you observe symptoms of strep throat happening with you, then immediately consult at Gonzaba Urgent Care Center for prompt treatment. They provide the best care in San Antonio for medical needs, and you should not miss the opportunity getting consulted with an experienced doctor.

BodyTite ArmLifting- Lift The Shape of Your Arms

Do you have bulging skin in your arms? If so, then would you like to contour the extra skin? If you are afraid to say because you are nervous about the treatment, then confidently nod your head in yes because you can tighten the loose arm skin without the need for traditional arm lift surgery. Medical science has introduced BodyTite which is an advanced method to firm and sculpt the arms and show up natural looking skin tightening results. This method uses radiofrequency energy to stiffen the loose tissues and enhance collagen production to improve the texture of the skin.

How Does BodyTite Arm Lift Work?

The procedure involves placing a small electrode on the skin and inserting a cannula under the skin. The task of the cannula is to carry radio frequency energy to the lower layers of the skin. The power of radio frequency energy is that it heats the layers of the skin and this heating result in skin contraction. This process stimulates the production of collagen fibers, and it is beneficial because it helps to reinforce skin structure and elasticity to give skin a firmer looking texture. In some instances, this procedure also eradicates small amounts of unwanted fat from the arms.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for BodyTite?

If you possess loose skin in your arms, then the BodyTite procedure can help you in achieving tight skin. If you have a massive volume of skin or skin laxity, then your doctor may not consider you ideal for this treatment. 

BodyTite Statistics

Studies reveal that on an average after 12 weeks, patients had lost 6.2% of the original circumference of their abdomen, 4.4% of the original circumference of their thigh and 9.2% of the original circumference of their arm. The maximum results witnessed a circumference loss of 17.7% in arms, 16.5% in the abdomen and 11.4% in thighs.

What to Expect After BodyTite ArmLift Treatment?

·         You can return to home the same day of the treatment.
·         You may notice swelling and slight bruising after the procedure, but, nothing to worry about because it is expected. It will vanish after some days.
·         You can get back to work after some days as the results progress.
BodyTite ArmLifting yields long-lasting skin stiffening results.

Bodytite Procedure in San Antonio

Dr. Suresh Koneru is the best doctor who carries out bodytite in San Antonio. He's a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and is a doctor recommended by other doctors. He is highly experienced and offers personalized treatments.

Monday, 9 April 2018

What is Physical Therapy?

Did you recently have an injury or some illness? Did your doctor suggest you for physical therapy? If so, then you have to get done by best hands. Therapies aim to ease pain and help your body function. Getting physical therapy is not restrictive of age, and anyone can get it to improve one or more body functions. In a broader scope, physical therapy helps in:
·         Relieving pain
·         Prevent disability or surgery
·         Recover after baby delivery
·         Get a splint or brace
·         Mould in an artificial limb
·         Control the functions of bowel or bladder
·         Improve mobility
·         Prevent or recover from injuries caused by playing any sport
·         Manage chronic illness like arthritis, diabetes and heart diseases
·         Shape body's balancing capabilities
·         Rehab after an accident, injury, stroke or surgery

What Does a Physical Therapist (PT) Do?

PTs help people attain a quality life which has been lost due to physical, psychological, social or emotional reasons. When you meet the PT for the first time, he/she will first examine your problem areas and assess your needs. You'll have to tell about your pain, its symptoms, mobility, sleeping habits and your medical history. Your PT will evaluate you on the following tests:

·         How well you can move, bend, grasp or reach.
·         Your heartbeat while doing any activity.
·         Your posture or balance.
·         How well you can walk on the ground and stairs.

Then, he/she will create a treatment plan for you which will include goals like body functioning, exercises and other activities to make you feel better. This treatment plan may include:

·         Massage, heat or cold therapy, warm water therapy to ease pain and movements and ultrasound diagnostic test to diagnose the improvement.
·         Practice with cane or walker to improve your mobility and reform your balancing power.
·         Exercises and stretches.
·         If you have problems in limb, then rehab to help you cope up with an artificial limb.

Over time your therapist will monitor your progress and adjust your treatments as required. Some of the activities falling under your treatment plan can be carried out at home as well, and you need not rush to a therapist for every activity.

Physical Therapy in San Antonio

You can reach out to the best physical therapists of town at Gonzaba Medical Group. They offer services like physical therapy, physical medicine, and rehabilitation. They provide safe and effective treatments.