Monday, 17 September 2018

سلبيات طُرق إزالة الشعر السائدة

إزالة الشعر من الأمور التي قد تُشعر الكثير بالضجر لأنها غالباً ما تكون عملية شاقة ومُتعبة. وبالرغم من أن هناك العديد من الخيارات التي تُساعدك على إزالة الشعر غير المرغوب فيه، ولكنها دائماً تنطوي على عيوب عدة. فيما يلي نظرة عامة سريعة على بعض السلبيات الخاصة بالطُرق الشائعة لإزالة الشعر:

·         الحلاقة - الطريقة الأسهل والأسرع هي الحلاقة التي لها عدد من المزايا. كل ما عليكِ القيام به هو إستخدام ماكينة الحلاقة المُخصصة للنساء، والتي تتوفر بسهولة في أقرب متجر. أو إستخدام ماكينة الحلاقة الكهربائية وقطع الشعر في أقرب مسافة من سطح بشرتك. وإلى جانب أن معظم ماكينات الحلاقة الكهربائية يُمكن إستخدامها في الظروف الجافة وبعيداً عن الماء. إلا أن هناك دائماً فُرص لنمو الشعر تحت الجلد أو ترك الشعر بنهاية حادة يبدو ملمسها خشن وكاشف. أيضاً، قد تحتاجين إلى بعض الرغوة أو إستخدام مستحضرات الحلاقة من أجل الحصول على حلاقة مثالية، مما يجعل العملية مُملة بعض الشئ.

·         إزالة الشعر بالشمع والسكر - تتم عملية إزالة الشعر بالشمع والسكر في الصالون وهي واحدة من أكثر الأنواع المُفضلة لإزالة الشعر في البجرين. قد تستمر نتائجها لفترة طويلة، ولكنها قد تكون صعبة التطبيق في المنزل بنفسك، وهذا ما يجعل الأمر مُكلفاً، خاصة إذا كان شعرك ينمو بسرعة وتحتاجين إلى زيارة الصالون كثيراً. أيضاً، نظراً لأن الشعر يتم نزعه من الجلد، قد يجد البعض أن التجربة مؤلمة أو تؤدي إلى تهيُج في الجلد.

·         كريمات إزالة الشعر - بدون الكثير من التفكير، كريمات إزالة الشعر مليئة بالمواد الكيميائية غير المُناسبة على الأطلاق للأشخاص ذوي البشرة الحساسة. المواد الكيميائية يُمكن أن تؤدي إلى إضعاف بُصيلات الشعر، وبالتالي يُمكنك تخيل مدى الضرر الذي يُمكن أن تُسببه للبشرة على المدى الطويل حيث أنه عليكِ وضع الكريم مباشرة على بشرتك! كما أن رائحته القوية من العيوب الأخرى لأنها يُمكن أن تُسبب تهيُج ونفور للأشخاص الذين لا يفضلونها. وعلاوة على ذلك، فإنه يُزيد من فرص نمو الشعر تحت الجلد، ولا يُمكن إستخدامه في المناطق الحساسة مثل الإبطين.
هذه بعض عيوب طرق إزالة الشعر التي يتم إستخدامها بشكل روتيني. عليكِ التحول إلى إزالة الشعر بالليزر والتخلُص من الشعر الزائد وكل هذه العيوب! شاركينا أفكارك حول هذا الموضوع في التعليقات.

Sunday, 16 September 2018

أكثر ٤ إجراءات تجميل تصدُراً لعام ٢٠١٨

إجراءات التجميل هي طُرق شائعة لعلاج الجلد في البحرين. هُناك أعداد متزايدة من الناس يختارون العلاجات المختلفة في العيادات الرائدة للعناية بالبشرة في المنطقة. وفقاً لرواد مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي، هناك بعض الصيحات التي تتصدر المؤشرات. أي واحد يجب أن تختارين، وأي واحد سوف يُناسبك على أكمل وجه؟ دعونا نُلقي نظرة على أفضل إجراءات التجميل لعام ٢٠١٨ للحصول على منظور أفضل:

·         علاج الخطوط الرفيعة قبل ظهورها - هل لديكِ خطوط دقيقة تحتاج إلى علاج؟ قومي بمنع ظهورهم من خلال علاجهم مُقدماً عن طريق البوتوكس والفيلر والطُرق الأخرى المُشابهة. هذا هو السبب وراء ارتفاع أعداد الخاضعين لهذا الإجراء في عمر العشرين أو الثلاثين. إنهم يُفضلون مقولة الوقاية خير من العلاج. لذلك، تذكري حجز موعد في وقت مُبكر.

·         إنتشار الميكرو-بوتكس - تماماً مثل البوتوكس، الميكرو-بوتوكس هو علاج آخر يُلاقي الكثير من الإهتمام هذه الأيام. والفرق بينهما هو أنه يتم حقنه على طبقات أكثر سطحية من الجلد وبكميات أقل بكثير من حقن البوتوكس التقليدية. فهو يُساعد على تقليل حجم المسام ويعمل على تنعيم الجلد وتقليل إنتاج الدهون. إنه يحظى بشعبية كبيرة في أوروبا وإنتشر مؤخراً في مناطق أُخرى.

·         العلاج بالخيوط - الخيوط هي طريقة رائعة لإعادة الحياة إلى الوجه والجسم. لأن المادة المُكون منها الخيط تعمل على تعزيز نمو الكولاجين مما يؤدي إلى مظهر وشعور أكثر شباباً. كما أن العُقد التي توجد بالخيط تعمل على شد الجلد وتؤدي إلى بعض التغيرات الفورية. ومن ثَم، يُمكنكِ توقع نتائج مباشرة بمجرد وضع الخيط في مكانه. وتستمر نتائج عملية الشد من ناحية أخرى في التحسن بمرور الوقت.

·         فيلر الشفاه - تزايد فلير الشفاه هذا العام نظراً لأنه لا يوجد من لا يرغب في الحصول على شفاه منحوتة جيداً يُمكنها مُنافسة تلك الخاصة بالمشاهير عبر إنستجرام! هُناك العديد من عيادات الجلد التي تُقدم هذا العلاج والذي يُساعد على ملء الشفاه الرقيقة لكي يبدو مظهرها جميل على أقل تقدير. وبالطبع، هذا الأمر يُساعد على تعزيز شكل ولون أحمر الشفاه أو مُرطبات الشفاه بشكل عام.

لنطلق عليه يومك
هذه بعض الإتجاهات الرائدة في إجراءات التجميل لعام ٢٠١٨ والتي من المتوقع أن تستمر حتى عام ٢٠١٩ على وجه اليقين. ما هي الإجراءات التي تهمك وأكثر الإتجاهات المُفضلة بالنسبة لكِ؟ إسمحوا لنا أن نعرف في التعليقات!

4 Top Cosmetic trends of 2018

Cosmetic procedures are commonplace forms of skin treatment in Bahrain. There’s an ever-growing number of people, who are opting for various treatments from leading skin care clinics in the area. Inspired by influencers on social media, some trends are topping the charts. Which one should you opt for and which one will meet your purpose the best way? Take a look at some of the top cosmetic trends of 2018 to get a better perspective:

·         Treating Fine Lines in Advance – Have fine lines that need treatment? Stop them from becoming apparent by treating them in advance by opting for Botox, skin fillers and other similar methods. This is the reason why there is a rise in people who are in their 20s or 30s opting for the procedures. They believe strongly in prevention rather than cure and hence, make it a point to book their appointments well in advance.

·         Rise of Micro-Botox – Just like Botox, micro-Botox is another treatment that is getting a lot of attention these days. The difference is that it is injected on a more superficial layers of the skin and in much smaller amounts than a traditional Botox injectable. It helps reduce the pore size, smoothens the skin and decreases the oil production. It is quite popular in Europe and is catching up soon with other areas.

·         Threads - Threads are an incredible way to life the face and body. Because the material of the thread fosters collagen growth it leads to a more youthful look and feel. Also, the barbs cones or the knots in the thread catch onto the skin and lead to changes in the surface. Hence, you can expect immediate results once the thread is in place. The lifting effect on the other hand, continues to improve over time.

·         Lip Fillers – Lip fillers are in trend this year because who doesn’t want well-sculpted lips that can compete with Instagram celebrities! There are several skin clinics that offer these injections and help plump up thin lips that look lovely to say the least. And of course, they make your lipsticks, lip stains and other lip colors look more enhanced.

Calling It a Day

These are some of the leading trends in cosmetic procedures of 2018 and will continue to dominate even in 2019 for sure. What are your takes on them and which one is your most preferred trend? Do let us know in the comments!

Friday, 14 September 2018

Cons of Mainstream Hair Removal Methods

Hair removal is a topic that is a turn-off for many because of the tedious process it often becomes. While it is true that there are several options that helps you remove unwanted hair, they are never without several drawbacks. Here’s a quick lowdown on some of the cons of mainstream hair removal methods:

·         Shaving – The quickest and the easiest, shaving has a number of advantages. All you need to do is have a women’s razor, which is abundantly available at the nearest store. Or just go for an electrical shaver and cut the hair that is close to your skin’s surface. The flipside is that most of the electric shaving units need to be used in dry conditions and away from water. There’s always the risk of ingrown hair, cuts and leaving the hair with a blunt end that feels rough and abrasive. Also, you may need to form a lather or use shaving lotions in order to get the perfect shave, making the process tiresome.

·         Waxing and Sugaring – Waxing and sugaring are carried out in a salon and is one of the most preferred form of hair removalin Bahrain. It may have long-lasting effects, but it can be difficult when you try to do it at home, on your own. This is what makes it a costly affair, especially if your hair grows back quickly and you need more trips to the salon. Also, because the hair is pulled from the skin, some of you may find the entire experience painful or experience skin irritations.

·         Hair Removal Creams – This one’s a no-brainer. Hair removal creams are full of chemicals and are not at all suitable for people with sensitive skin. These also contain chemicals that can weaken the hair follicle. Therefore, you can imagine the damage it can cause to your skin in the long run as you need to apply it directly on your skin! The strong odor is another drawback as it can cause irritation and discomfort to people who are averse to the smell. Moreover, it increases the risk of ingrown hair and cannot be used on delicate areas like your underarm.

To Conclude

These are some of the drawbacks of hair removal methods that are routinely used. Switch to laser hair removal and get rid of your hair and woes, and save massively! Share your thoughts on this with us in the comments.

Monday, 3 September 2018

Why You Need Nursing Pads as a Top Mother Care Product?

Breastfeeding is one of the most essential aspects of motherhood. All the important nutrients for the baby are present in the mother’s milk. It makes them grow strong and also, adds to the immunity. Easier said than done, for some first-time mothers, the whole thing can be a bit overwhelming. There may be certain issues that they may face but soon, it can all resolve. In fact, some of them can be

Nowadays there are several products available, which make it easier for mothers not just to take care of their babies, but themselves too. Nursing pads are one such product, which can help them during breastfeeding their baby. Let us take a look at some of the immediate benefits of using such mother care products in Dubai.

1.       Super Absorbent – The first benefit of nursing pads is that you can opt for two variants – disposable and non-disposable, which are super absorbent. These prevent the breast milk from leaking or seeping when you are not nursing. These also save you from embarrassing situation, when you don’t realize and all of a sudden, your clothes are soiled.

2.       Easy to Use – This one is a no-brainer. Nursing pads are extremely easy to use. All you have to do is follow the instructions on the package and you’ll be good to go.

3.       They are Eco-Friendly – Here’s for all the environment-conscious moms out there. Nursing pads are extremely eco-friendly, especially if you are choosing the non-disposable ones. By choosing them, you are contributing to a more sustainable ecosystem. All you need to do is to buy the best ones that are available on the market and you’ll be good to go.

4.       They are Economical – The best part about nursing pads is that they are budget-friendly. You can plan and make the purchase and use them throughout your breastfeeding journey. You don’t have to use more than 7-8 pieces in a day usually, and even if you do, they will surely be worth all your money. Hence, these are definitely a worthwhile investment.

5.       Keep Infections Away – Nursing pads are created by using special materials that can help you keep any infection and chemicals away. Therefore, you can easily and comfortably feed your baby whenever and wherever you want, without the fear of a reaction or any infection for that matter.

These are some of the reasons you need to purchase these amazing mother care products right away!

Tuesday, 14 August 2018


What do you do when your bad day culminates into a migraine? It is understood that the frequent stress of the work deadlines, the irregular sleep and meal schedules, and the family and social responsibilities take a toll on you and irk your migraine. During such times, even a heavy dose of tablets or a visit to the doctor seems unfeasible and ineffective. So, then what do you do to feel better?
Well, have no worries because this list has got you covered! here is a rundown of 4 simple home remedies to heal your migraine –

1.      Lavender oil

Yes, you are reading it right. Lavender oil to the rescue! Lavender oil is a great remedy for healing headaches.
Lavender oil has a beautiful fragrance and a soothing scent. Having said that, when a migraine strikes, you can simply put a few drops on a tissue or a hanky and inhale the same. Along with this, it also helps if you add two drops of lavender oil to boiling water and inhale the steam or bather in it. It is a good practice to apply diluted oil to the temples to experience a faster relief.

2.      Cool it down

Has your ideal cup of coffee failed at its job of reducing your headache? Well, it is time you take a chill pill and cool down yourself.
The physicians who perform the migraine treatment in San Antonio and elsewhere are of the belief that ice pack is one of the most common remedies for migraine pain. Ice gives a soothing effect on the inflamed arteries and numbs the effect of the pain. However, make sure that you do not apply the ice directly on your forehead or temples. It is advised that you wrap the ice cubes in a clean cloth and then apply the same over your head for about 5-10 minutes.

3.      Deep breathing and Yoga

Are you in extreme pain and cannot really think of doing something? Think no further. Lie down, relax, and practice heavy breathing!
Regular meditation and yoga help keep your migraine at bay. It is believed to relieve the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraines. As a matter of fact, performing any exercise will help release serotonin and help combat the stress and the pain. All things considered, Yoga and deep breathing will improve your overall health.

4.      Try Acupressure 

Just like yoga, acupressure helps too! Help ease your migraine by applying pressure to the specific points on the body.
Acupressure refers to the process of applying pressure using fingers and hands to relieve pain and other symptoms. It is believed to be a credible therapy for people with severe headaches or migraines. Additionally, it also relieves a migraine-associated nausea. Make sure to consult your physician and know about the vital acupressure points to be activated and you are good to go!

These at-home treatments may help prevent migraines or at least help reduce their severity and duration.


A pounding headache caused by a migraine can be a thing to worry about. These simple tips will do you good and zap the pain from your stressful headache!

Thursday, 9 August 2018


Is your stubborn fat resistant to all your efforts of a diet and exercise? Well, then how about a body shaping treatment? Body sculpting in San Antonio and elsewhere is reshaping the body with the help of some surgical and laser techniques that help in the reduction of fat pockets.
However, is body sculpting the right option for you? Well, here is a list of 4 signs that you are a good candidate for body shaping treatments –

1.      You are tired of that stubborn fat
Are all your efforts of trying to get the desired body contours going to the drains? Well, then body sculpting has got you covered!
For people with the unwanted fat, body sculpting can be a great option to get rid of it permanently. The treatments of body shaping in San Antonio and elsewhere cures obesity or provides easy solutions to lose the unwanted fat from specific areas. Unlike other surgical procedures body sculpting is a non-invasive procedure that needs no downtime. Having said that, you can achieve your desired body shape very quickly and conveniently.

2.      You are close to your ideal weight
You have put in a lot of efforts and tried reaching your weight target, haven’t you? Well, your efforts are certainly appreciated although it is understood that you cannot get rid of that stubborn fat from certain areas.
Body sculpting is an excellent option for those who already are close to having an ideal weight. Fat is a tricky thing. You might have a great weight but still, have deposits of fat on certain body areas. Think no further and go for body sculpting treatments. It will help you achieve your weight loss goals with a definite plan!

3.      You are not pregnant or thinking about pregnancy
Don’t worry about that weight you will be gaining during pregnancy. Body sculpting certainly is not a good idea during such times!
Considering about body shaping during pregnancy or while you are thinking of getting pregnant in the near future, is a total ‘no-go. Pregnancy leads to a lot of changes in your body. All things considered, you cannot really predict the effects of body shaping treatments during such sensitive times. Hence, if you want to reach your weight goals, it should be after pregnancy and after considering your physician.

4.      You are generally healthy
Are you the one who follows a regular diet and an exercise regimen? It is understood that healthy people too, need a little help to get rid of those persistent fat deposits.
Body sculpting is not a procedure for the ones having certain chronic illnesses, disorders, or having weak immune systems. If you are a healthy person overall, then you might be the right candidate for body shaping treatments. People having diabetes, heart problems, or those undergoing hormonal treatments, this is not the thing for you!

Wrapping it up, if you are following a healthy lifestyle and have no chronic health issues, body shaping might be the right thing for you!

If you need a little push to kill those fat-pocketed areas, body shaping treatments are your one-stop solution for it. Bid a farewell to the excess fat and lead a happier and confident life!