Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Colon Cancer- Symptoms, Stages & Treatment

Colon cancer takes place in the large intestine, from where body extracts water and solid wastes. It is the third most common type of cancer in the US. It happens when tumorous growth develops in the large intestine. It begins with the development of small, noncancerous clumps of cells known as adenomatous polyps. Colon cancer roots from these polyps.

Your doctor may suggest you diagnostic tests for colon cancer even when there are no signs. It is because the discovery of this type of cancer in early stages provides high chances for a cure. Usually, the best age to diagnose this kind of cancer is around 50. However, people with a family history of this disease are recommended to get the screening done sooner to eradicate its ill sources. 

Symptoms & Signs

The symptoms of cancer start developing when it advances. They include:
·         Continual urges to defecate
·         Weakness and fatigue
·         Abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, or gas
·         Loose and narrow stools
·         Changes in stool consistency
·         Rectal bleeding or blood in stool
·         Painful bowel movements
·         Weight loss
·         Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
·         Iron deficiency or anemia

There are chances of this cancer getting spread to a new location. The most commonly affected organ is said to be liver. The following are its stages through which it progresses:

Stage 0- This is the initial stage of colon cancer and is known as carcinoma. At this stage, the cancerous colon hasn't grown much and lies in the inner layer of the tissue.
Stage 1- cancer has progressed to reach the next layer of the tissue. However, the lymph nodes or other organs are still in the safe zone.
Stage 2- This stage sees cancer reaching the outer layers of the colon, but not beyond it.
Stage 3- Cancer outgrows in this stage and reached lymph nodes. It is still to reach distant sites.
Stage 4-This stage sees cancer reaching other tissues beyond the colon. As the scene progresses, it reaches other parts of the body and becomes fatal.

Colon Cancer Treatment in San Antonio
Suffering from colon cancer in San Antonio? We have a solution. To consult with expert colon doctors in San Antonio, Digestive & Liver Disease Center of San Antonio PLLC (DLDSA) is a place for you. If anyone has had colon cancer in your family, then DLDSAs professional doctors strongly recommend getting yourself diagnosed before it overtakes your body parts and life.  To learn more about the disease connect with DLDSA experts.

Monday, 5 February 2018

Hemorrhoids- What to Eat?

I couldn't sit. My butt was itchy all the time. I was fearful whenever my brain signaled to go the bathroom. The unbearable pain completely shook my everyday activities. After consulting a specialist, I came to know I was suffering from hemorrhoid. Then began a fibrous diet with plenty amount of drinking water to stay hydrated. If you are also suffering from this painful disease, then you are surely going to listen to this- "Eat fiber and drink water."  

The following section shows a list of specific foods that can help in curing this painful problem:

·         Fibrous Foods- There are two kinds of fiber:

o   Soluble Fiber- These foods dissolve in water and are the most efficient ones in making stool soft and easy to pass. You'll feel relaxed as you'll suffer less irritation, while constipation will stay completely out of your way.

o   Insoluble Fiber- Did you ever hear about "roughage" in your childhood? These are the fibrous, indigestible material which aids the passage of the food. Insoluble fibers are roughages which do not dissolve in water. These ease the functions of your intestines and keep your digestion in a good flow. 

·         You should eat at least 25-30 grams of fiber every day. Plan your diet as such that you eat one-third portion of 25-30 grams soluble fiber. Increase the quantity of soluble fiber if you are suffering from diarrhea as well. To help your body absorb that fiber drink at least a half-gallon (8-10 large glasses) of water every day.

·         Beans, Nuts, and Lentils- Kidney, navy, black or lima beans contain 7 to 10 grams of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Involve beans in your everyday diet to cover about 30 percent of your daily goal. Also, include 20 almonds/pecans or half a cup of edamame in your plate. In this trouble Middle Eastern recipes which primarily uses beans, lentils and peas will help you a lot.

·         Grains- Change your breakfast routines to more fiber and fewer calorie foods. Oatmeal and barley will strengthen your immunity and boost the amount of soluble fiber. Other options may include no-butter popcorn, oat bran, and wheat germ.

·         Fruits & Vegetables- Foods like apples, plums, potatoes, and pears when eaten with their thin skin on help control hemorrhoid bleeding. Flavonoid is another important component present in these skinned fruits and vegetables. Ensure you eat fresh of them and avoid cooking them for long else you'll damage their skin.

Hemorrhoids Treatment in San Antonio

If you are suffering from this painful disease, then seek immediate consultation from the specialists of Gonzaba Urgent Care. Their immediate care centers are conveniently located throughout San Antonio, Texas.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

How Does Far Infrared Sauna Help in Weight Loss?

Are you obese or overweight? Are you facing troubles in losing weight? Are you aware that our body possesses toxic chemicals which cause resistant weight loss? A far infrared sauna can help you lose weight by burning calories and detoxing obesogens. An attracting feature is that these saunas involve no physical work. You just need to relax in your comfort zone while the infrared waves will be at work.

Formerly, hot air baths and sweat lodges were used to bust stress and leverage relaxation & detoxification. The sauna was heated by burning fire or hot rocks. The shortcoming of these saunas was that at a specific point in time the chamber used to burn hot causing intolerance. Infrared saunas were developed as advancement to existing therapies. These saunas emit infrared light to help lose weight, detoxify and relax one's body.

How Infrared Saunas Work?

The heat generated by infrared waves activates sweat glands to eliminate toxins. Since skin is the largest organ of the body; it is the best channel to release toxins. Our body comprises 70% water molecules. These molecules tend to vibrate when intense heat hits the skin. The vibration weakens the ion bonds of water molecules and eventually breaks them down. Apparently, the encapsulated gases and other toxicities release from the body in the form of sweat.

How does it help in weight loss?

These saunas are crackerjack and eliminate the need for exercises. In a single 30 minute session, approximately 400- 600 calories can be burnt which is equivalent to running 2-3 miles. Weight loss is one of the many benefits of this sauna, and a substantial count of weight can be lost with its regular use. It also helps in breaking down cellulite which is a composed of fat, water, and other wastes. Cellulite gets trapped into pockets beneath the skin. During a sauna session, the increased temperatures push your body to cool itself. In a constant endeavor to cool down body's temperature, excess sweat is released. Other factors which contribute to weight loss include increased heart rate, metabolic rate, calories burning and cardiac output. While all these transitions take place, blood flow rises from 5-7 quarts to 13 quarts per minute.

Weight Loss Treatment in San Antonio

For weight loss in San Antonio, K2 Cryospa is a one-stop place. They are expert professionals in this arena and can help you resolve problems related to weight loss, depression, metabolism, the rate of detoxification, etc. Enhance your well being under the supervision of K2Cryospa's experts. Book an appointment now!

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Pelleve- A Non-painful Body Sculpting Method

Are you planning to enhance the aesthetics of your bulging body parts? And are you fearful of the invasions? Well, there's a painless solution to eliminate your wrinkles and tighten your skin. The treatment is known as pelleve skin tightening treatment which uses a radiofrequency device called as pelleve. The to-be-treated skin part is subjected to a radiofrequency wavelength which gradually heats the skin. This activity contracts the collagen fibers and tightens the skin. People undergo this treatment to reverse the effects of aging and gravity. This painless operation has no downtime and is non-invasive. The procedure received approval from Food and Drug Administration in 2009.

What are the benefits of this treatment?

Reduces Wrinkles- This treatment stimulates the production of collagen and provides youthful-looking skin in turn. Medically, while we age collagen production starts decreasing after a certain point of time, thus wrinkles and ‘crow's feet' come into effect. With collagen magnification, these aging signs eliminate gradually.

Single Treatment for Results- You will be able to observe wrinkle-free skin just after one treatment. Studies estimate that 90 percent patients start getting results after one month of the implementation. 87 percent of patients continue to see improvements even after six months of the treatment.

Safe and Secure Method- Clinically, this method proves to be effectual and safe.

Non-invasive- This method works by eliminating the need for creating incisions, like other aesthetic methods, hence, no needles are required.

Minimal or No Side Effects- Under the administration of an experienced specialist, the treatment usually does not leverages any aftermaths.

Recovery Time- A patient who has undergone this treatment can return to his/her regular activities after the procedure completes. A few patients suffer minimal pain. However, it doesn't account for bed rest.

Time Taken- This skin tightening procedure usually takes 45 minutes or less. However, it would be important to note that, the time taken varies from patient to patient.

Who should not undergo this procedure?

For pregnant women and people with cardiac pacemakers, it is not recommended to undergo this treatment.

Skin Tightening Treatment in San Antonio

Agave Laser and Aesthetic Clinic is one of the best clinics in San Antonio to improve the aesthetics of body. They have incorporated medical and aesthetic treatment at the same hospital and their body sculpting methods are gaining vital importance. If you are looking for an expert's advice in this connection, then seek consultation from Agave's specialists.