Monday, 15 January 2018

Kybella Injections- Destroying Fat without Surgery

Do you feel that your chin is lingering a few pounds of stubborn fat cells which your exercise regimes aren't able to shred? Or do the people around you recognize you as a double chin bearer? That sounds embarrassing, right? If you are fearing to undergo the traditional chin lifting procedure, then hang on! We have a better solution for you. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved advancement to liposuction known as Kybella injections, which are injected into the affected area of the chin to destroy the fat cells and prevent their further development. It is an alternative to surgery, and primary advantage is that it is non-invasive.

What is Kybella injection?

Produced by Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, it is an injectable made up of deoxycholic acid. This acid helps in destroying the hanging fat cells. Once the fat cells damage, the patient's body absorbs the destruction and leaves aesthetically beautiful results.

How its treatment is carried out?

If you are working and worried about the loss of your work & wages because you want to undergo Kybella treatment, then stay peaceful, and tell your boss that you'll return to work in a couple of hours. Yes! That's entirely true because each Kybella session takes only fifteen minutes. Your specialist will give a series of small injections at the affected site as per your perception. Progressively, the fat cells will start rupturing, and within a few weeks, the desired results will become apparent. The treatment is a one time job which encompasses separate four to six sessions. This process leverages permanent changes.

Is this treatment hurtful?

Since the tool is an injection, it will cause minor discomfort. However, you can brave for it. Don't panic if you observe swelling, bruising or redness at the application site because these will be temporary. A skillful specialist can prevent nerves from damaging.

What are its benefits?

·         It eliminates the use of anesthesia.
·         The treatment has no downtime.
·         This treatment develops no scars.
·         Little recovery period
·         The treatment is far beyond the reach of infections.
·         It is a minimally invasive procedure.
·         It is a non-surgical method of fat removal.

Dosing Information

For submental fat reduction, the following is a usual adult dose of Kybella:
The fat issue in the submental area is injected with an area-adjusted dose of 2 mg/cm2 subcutaneously.

Approx. 50 injections (max) of 0.2 mL each is given at 1-cm apart. Around six sessions are needed for this treatment with a gap of 1 month.

Kybella in San Antonio

Agave Laser and Aesthetic Clinic in SanAntonio is a perfect place for treatment with Kybella injectables. Their specialists provide personalized medical and aesthetic care and have received high acclaims from their customers. Book an appointment now!

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